Best laid plans and all that... yep they've completely changed of late. I had a few posts lined up and nearly ready to post and then life at the farm interrupted.
On Saturday we drove south 2 1/2 hours to pick up our new baby goats - a boy and a girl. We were so excited and set off at 6.30 a.m - still dark - and was raining and very chilly.
The rain didn't ease up at all but we finally arrived at our destination way out in the wop wops of rural New Zealand's North Island. Very picturesque, hilly and winding roads.
Jacqui from Lara Farms rescues goats and other animals. Our goats are from feral goats.
The naming of them was a real process. We made a list of boy and girl names we liked which included
Pebbles and Bambam
Wilma and Fred
Jack and Jill
Billy and Bella
and some added extras of Barney, Sally, Lulu, Trixie.
We had a family vote on Friday night around the dinner table and Barney and Sally won.
So introducing...Barney and Sally
Sally on Saturday
Sally bedding down for the night
Barney makes himself at home!
Sally is quite small though she is the elder of the two. (update - had her at the vet this a.m. as she has a mouth ulcer and hence not feeding well, so now i'm playing farmer Jane and will be tube feeding her).
It was freezing cold an pouring with icy rain so we headed off for the 2 1/2 hour drive back, the goats sitting quite happy on our daughter's laps in the back of the car.
It's been a bit of a learning curve. Barney has real attitude, butting Sally and our dog Bingo out of his way, but he's feeding really well, and peeing without a problem!
They are a great distraction, hence not much is getting done around here.
Sally getting some TLC
Happy days, and i'll be back later in the week, hopefully with some projects
Hi, Catching up on your posts, still not receiving them automatically which is a pain :(. How cute the goats are and I think the names are just perfect. Will you be using Sally for milk when she gets older or are they just to keep your grass down?